The world of Onlyfans is beautiful and varied. Museums, Artists, Gymnasts show off their skills in exchange for financial support in the form of subscriptions, tips or personalised videos. This is what we’d like to think is true, but in part. On the other hand, the larger side of the web performers are Men, Women and Transgender who engage in online hard modelling and make money by sending adult videos to their supporters. In addition to the risk of scam profiles and profiles that stink of illegality because they are run by minors or even their exploiters, today we report a major scam that is carried out every day against the stars and their customers in total silence by the platform.
Onlyfans agencies
According to a report received by the editorial office, in the Onlyfans ecosystem, which includes social and messaging programmes, agencies are contacting models to manage their profiles in exchange for a commission. The activity should be linked to a multi-channel promotion, as is already happening, which sends and invites as many customers as possible to the channels of the stars who join the project, thus increasing earnings both from subscriptions and from exclusive material sent to individual users. When we posted the article on Twitter and Instagram with the tag #Onlyfans, we received a lot of comments from bots offering to promote our profiles on the platform, despite the fact that we didn’t have them. Some have already been removed from the platforms, while others remain.
The business of communication and promotion companies is a real phenomenon that can really help you to grow in reputation and visibility and there are serious agencies that do this.
The scandal shaking the platform
In some Telegram channels there are people going around proposing a deal to models asking for 50% of the income on the 80% net that new porn stars earn. What are they offering? They ask to manage the channel, interacting in place of the models and prompting customers to send tip after tip, perhaps attaching some recycled photos from an archive of private personal content they would be managing.
We are talking about a real scam because Onlyfans is structured in such a way that the models are in contact with their followers, who are convinced that they are talking to their muses.
No one would send money to a profile manager, otherwise they would all be like Cazzaniga and be satisfied with a few corny words. If it turns out that this system is already in place and that it is also widespread among the most famous performers, the scale of the scam would be colossal and the most popular porn site of the moment could collapse and even lose the support of the companies that handle electronic payments. For the moment, the editorial team has evidence of phantom promotion agencies offering models, but will the suspicion alone be enough for Onlyfans to take action? And how will it do if it establishes that not all of them respond personally to their fans?
The risk for agency users
Il rischio per chi si rivolge all’agenzia di promozione, ma che in realtà è un vero social media manager del porno, è molteplice ed interessa dapprima la sfera della privacy della modella perchè si troverebbe a gestire i suoi contenuti sensibili e privati. Il consiglio è quello di sottoscrivere un contratto di natura professionale mentre invece è tutto a nero senza garanzie che tutelano l’opera intellettuale dell’artista. Inoltre, l’agenzia gestirebbe una clientela non sua che potrebbe poi smistare su un’altra sua assistita alle prime difficoltà tra le parti. Ancora più grave per la reputazione della modella se i clienti dovessero scoprire un giochetto del genere. In questo caso, il profilo si svuoterebbe subito per via della delusione di aver speso soldi in cambio del tempo di una persona desiderata, anche sessualmente, ma che si è rivelata come quelle delle chat telefoniche erotiche di un tempo: diverse dalla locandina. Magari anche di sesso diverso in questo caso, non essendoci la prova della voce, ma di semplici e freddi messaggi testuali.